About the TeleMiracle Committee

TeleMiracle 48 Committee

Tyler Hall

TeleMiracle 48 Chair

Terri Troupe-Logue

TM 49 Shadow Chair

Terri Hamilton


Lyndsay L’Heureux


Jessie Hall


Noelle Bossence

Public Relations

Amanda Duxbury


Jordan Kammer


Al Proust


Alicia Menke


Michelle Duckworth


Kim Lowe

Food Services

Mandy Rathgeber

Food Services

Rebecca Olsen


Brydon Campbell


Brandon Welder


Nick Hall


Rebecca Epp

Volunteer Production Coordinators

Terry Epp

Volunteer Production Coordinators

Josh Fedorowich

Technical Producer

Jody Polowick


Adrienne Fedorowich

TeleMiracle 48 Committee
Foundation Chair | TeleMiracle Chair | District 3 Chair
Food Services
Volunteer Production Coordinators
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Are you interested in being on the committee that organizes TeleMiracle?

First, you must be a member of a Kinsmen, Kinettes, or Kin club in Saskatchewan. You can contact District III Kin to find the club nearest you.

Once you’ve done that, an application form can be made available to you.

Here is information about each of the TeleMiracle Committee Roles:


The TeleMiracle Committee Chairperson is selected by the Kinsmen Foundation Board Executive.

The rest of the committee members are chosen by the Chairperson.

Are you a good leader? Can you keep a group of your peers on schedule without micromanaging? Are you good at encouraging teamwork between the committee members but also with the Kinsmen Foundation office staff, the Board, and the District? Are you comfortable giving interviews for t.v., etc.?  Then you should apply to chair a future TeleMiracle Committee!

Are you connected in your community and a bit of a salesman? About 10% of the funds donated to TeleMiracle are from the corporate community and their fundraisers. Help us celebrate the ones we have and bring more on board.

It’s about kids! Not only do we need to encourage children in schools to learn about and help raise funds for TeleMiracle, we need to make sure young people consider joining Kin when they are old enough. 

Notice all the equipment and organization around you when you’re at the show? Throughout the whole building? Tables, chair, televisions, telephones, draping – EVERYTHING. The Facilities Chair pulls it all together and makes sure all the other areas have what they need to achieve their tasks.

All that money needs to be counted! This person works closely with the Finance Manager at the Kinsmen Foundation office to set up and run the Treasury area at TeleMiracle

Did you know the food budget for TeleMiracle is $0 and all based on donations? It’s a tough job to have some food available for close to 1000 people for the weekend – but, with the help of the restaurant and service community, we do it every year. If we didn’t do it this way, and spent $20 per person for the weekend, that’s $40,000! Help keep the cost down and helping people up!

These jobs don’t fill themselves! When Kin fill out the manpower forms, someone has to pull together all the names and match them with the needs – and then let them know where to be for the show. The Manpower Chair also works with the hotels to make sure all the volunteers have a place to sleep!

Shout it from the mountaintops! Well, at least the top of the water tower! Getting the word out about the forthcoming show is a big job and requires a lot of coordination, but we need to let people know the show is on! This role works closely with the Kinsmen Foundation office staff to make sure all the marketing/advertising pieces of the puzzle fit together smoothly.

TeleMiracle is a pretty smooth, family event. But sometimes people need a hand or, rarely, are out of hand! We need to watch out for each other, our audience, and our guests – and someone needs to coordinate it all.

Select promotional items to sell during Kin events, TeleMiracle and throughout the year at the Foundation office. This person works closely with the TeleMiracle Administrator at the Kinsmen Foundation office, to get all the items tendered out, ordered, and keep track of Inventory.  

Moving a few hundred volunteers around can be a challenge. They work hard to get donated vehicles, drivers and a dispatcher to make sure everyone gets to where they need to be. 

Past TeleMiracle Committee Chairs

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