
Watch TeleMiracle 49 Live This Weekend!

This stream will be broadcast on CTV Saskatchewan.
This stream will be interrupted with behind the scenes content.

Michelle Duckworth

Kin Canada, District 3 Vice-Governor

Hometown, Family & Occupation: Michelle hails from Courval, SK, where she enjoys life as an Ag Business Banker, Entrepreneur, and Rancher. She and her partner, Kennedy, share their home with three dogs, along with many horses and cows.

Kin Club & Kinsmen Foundation Board Involvement:  Michelle is an active member of the Moose Jaw Kinette Club. Growing up as a Kin Kid, she developed a love for Kin from an early age, and joining the organization was a natural next step once she was old enough. Michelle stays in Kin because she wants to make a tangible difference in her community. She believes in the power of service, and Kin provides a platform where she can contribute to meaningful projects, build lasting friendships, and develop leadership skills. Being part of an organization that values kindness and community service has been incredibly fulfilling.

As Vice Governor, Michelle has the privilege of sitting on the Kinsmen Foundation Board, a role that aligns with her long-term goal of becoming a board representative. Inspired by her mother, who served as the Kinsmen Foundation Chair, Michelle grew up witnessing the positive impact the Foundation has on the community. She is excited to contribute to the Foundation’s mission and continue its legacy of service.

Favorite TeleMiracle Memory: One of Michelle’s favorite moments occurs every year when the total raised is announced, the balloons drop, and the room buzzes with excitement. During her first TeleMiracle, 16 years ago, she was fortunate to be on stage at the very end. Seeing the generosity of people firsthand was overwhelming, and that experience remains her favorite part of TeleMiracle each year, reminding her of the power of collective giving.

Passion for Community Service & Love of Sask: For Michelle, the best part of living in Saskatchewan is the strong sense of community. People truly care about one another, and that is evident when they come together during times of need. The vast prairies and big skies also serve as constant reminders of the province’s beauty and tranquility. Saskatchewan is where tradition meets progress, and there is a deep pride in both the province’s heritage and its future.

Milestones & Awards: Michelle is deeply honored to serve as Governor during District 3’s centennial year, a significant moment as Kin celebrates 100 years in Saskatchewan alongside the 50th anniversary of TeleMiracle. She is proud to lead during such a momentous time and contribute to the ongoing success and impact of Kin in the community.