Social Media Guidelines for Sask. Talent
General Social Media Guidelines
1. Use common sense
We are a charitable organization, dependent on the generosity of time and money from individuals and businesses and it is important that everyone maintains that reputation in the community. Just like it would be inappropriate to make rude, racist, sexist, or homophobic comments openly in public, it should not be done online either. The Kinsmen Foundation promotes excellence, integrity, accountability, compassion, pride, fellowship and inclusiveness, and everyone has a duty to uphold these values in public and online.
2. Assume what’s posted online is public
Even if your account is set to private or you’re posting in a closed/private group, anything that you share “privately” can quickly and easily become public. All it takes is for someone to screenshot your picture, post, or comment and share it somewhere else. If you wouldn’t want it showing up on the front page of your local newspaper, don’t post it.
3. Be an ambassador
As a participant in TeleMiracle you are a representative of who we are. Our vision and mission should be reflected by what we portray in person and online. You are responsible for maintaining good conduct of character and community standing; your actions online can carry just as much weight as your actions in person.
4. Create a welcoming environment
More and more people are using an individual’s social media to get an idea of that person’s character. As ambassadors of TeleMiracle and the Kinsmen Foundation, if they took a look at your Facebook page, what would they see? Would the content that you post attract people to contribute to our charity or deter them?
5. Don’t rant on Facebook
While it can be tempting, ranting on Facebook about personal, professional or Kin things will rarely get you anywhere. Before you click “Post”, it’s a good idea to reflect on the situation and decide if the web is the appropriate place to talk about it. Never write or post a comment when your emotions are running high. Talk to a friend about it or “sleep on it” before you decide to post. You can’t take back your words once you have spoken or typed them and they may end up doing more harm than good for you or the people around you.
6. Keep confidential and proprietary information offline
Confidential or sensitive, Kinsmen Foundation and TeleMiracle information, such as financials, etc. don’t belong on social media. If you aren’t sure if something is confidential, check with Richard at the office before posting it. You also should not post anyone’s personal information or private matters online where others would have access to it. Be mindful of posting photos of others too; not everyone likes to have their photo posted in places where people they may not know can see it.
7. Be aware of copyright laws and plagiarism
When posting content, videos or images that someone else created, give them credit. It’s important to link back to the original source when appropriate.
IMPORTANT: Any materials that you create and post must follow copyright laws. For example, do not take an image from Google for the purpose of using it to promote an event or fundraiser without asking for permission to use it or buying the rights to use it through a stock image website – you can be sued for using someone else’s intellectual property if you don’t follow the law. Some websites offer photos and templates that are open to the public to use for free (ie and If you aren’t confident that the creator of the content has given open access to their work, credit the original designer or find a different image to use.
How can you help TeleMiracle's social media strategies?
- Follow/Like the TeleMiracle account on whichever social media platforms you are on. (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and TikTok).
- Recommend to your followers that they also follow TeleMiracle.
- React to TeleMiracle’s posts (Like, Love, Laugh, etc.)
- Share/ReTweet TeleMiracle’s posts.
- Comment on TeleMiracle’s posts.
- When you create a post about TeleMiracle,
TAG US by using @ in front of our account name (ie @TeleMiracle on Facebook or @telemiracle.official on Instagram, etc.). This sends a notification to the TeleMiracle account that someone has mentioned them and makes it easier for us to respond to the mention or share it on our page. - Use hashtags such as #TeleMiracle #KinsmenFoundation #RingThosePhones #SKCharity #TM_47 in your posts, so that people searching for or following those hashtags also see your post.
- Send Direct Messages (DMs) to our account letting us know about applicable posts that we should know about and might be interested in sharing on our pages. Or recommend content/posts for us to create.
- Use the “In support of” versions of the logos in your ads/posters/posts, etc. to distinguish between something being put on BY TeleMiracle/Kinsmen Foundation (the Brand) and something being put on FOR TeleMiracle/Kinsmen Foundation by Kin or general public. Contact Richard at the office to get logos sent to you.
- DO NOT REPLY TO TROLLS, it only adds fuel to the fire. TeleMiracle and the Kinsmen Foundation have people who monitor comments and they will respond if they deem appropriate.
- Follow the general social media guidelines.
If you have any questions…