TeleMiracle 46 Souvenirs

We’ve got merch! That’s right! If you love watching TeleMiracle, now you can buy a piece of it to take home with you! There’s something for every budget! See something you like? Here’s how you order! All the items, except for the tumbler and beach towel, are available to pre-order on our online store which […]

Spotlight on the TeleMiracle 46 Chairperson

The TeleMiracle telethon requires MANY people working together to make it happen. One of those people is the Chairperson of the TeleMiracle organizing committee. A new Chairperson is selected every year, from the Kin members who have submitted an application. Once selected, that Chairperson invites people to fill each role on the Committee. That group of […]

TeleMiracle 46 Saskatchewan Talent Lineup

We’re thrilled to announce this year’s Saskatchewan Talent lineup! (EDIT: We’ve added the approximate times for their appearance on the show. 6:15 PM – 11:59 PM=March 5, 2022 AND Midnight – 5:00 PM=March 6, 2022) Tune into TeleMiracle 46 on March 5-6, 2022, to watch this talented bunch of people, from throughout Saskatchewan, perform, as […]

“Rooted in Saskatchewan” Shout Outs

Do you want to participate in TeleMiracle 46? We have a way for you to do so! We’re looking for groups to record their own shout-out videos like the one below. If you’re interested in taking part, click here to view the instructions. DEADLINE TO SUBMIT VIDEO IS JANUARY 31, 2022

TeleMiracle 46 National Cast

We’re thrilled to announce the details of TeleMiracle 46 and this year’s National Cast! TeleMiracle 46 will take place March 5-6, 2022, from Evraz Place in Regina and be broadcast live across Saskatchewan on the CTV network. “This year’s theme is Rooted in Saskatchewan”, says TeleMiracle 46 Chair Steve Kirwan. “It reflects the telethon’s deep […]

Fifth Avenue Collection fundraiser for TeleMiracle

A representative from Fifth Avenue Collection is donating a portion of her profits from this event on Facebook. Do you like jewellery? Then check it out! It’s for a great cause!     Cara, Betty Lou & Kim are putting on a virtual jewellery show! A portion of the profits will be donated to the […]

2020-2021 Kinsmen Foundation Board

This pandemic didn’t just have an affect on the TeleMiracle telethon. It also had an impact on our Kinsmen Foundation Board of Directors’ meetings. The Board moved to virtual meetings. Something it had never tried before. It ended up becoming one of those changes that COVID forced on us, but proved to provide several benefits, […]

Thank you TeleMiracle Partners

We wanted to give an extra special acknowledgement to some of our partners, who help make TeleMiracle possible, and who went way above and beyond this year to accommodate all the changes. Let’s start with a big one, CTV, who broadcast TeleMiracle all over Saskatchewan, and have been providing a home for our telethon for […]

Our Founding Fathers

During this “Leave a Legacy” month, we thought we’d go off the topic of Planned Giving, to talk about a different kind of legacy. Specifically, we wanted to talk about the legacy left by our Founding Fathers. Our story begins in 1920 with Hal Rogers, in Hamilton, Ontario. A veteran of WWI, he missed the […]

Three Cheers for the TeleMiracle 45 Committee

The responsibilities of a Committee member begin the year before their term, when they get to shadow the person currently serving in their role. When the members of the TeleMiracle 45 Committee accepted to serve on Brian’s committee, a pandemic telethon is NOT what they signed up for. Everyone’s roles were greatly affected. Some were […]