We are THRILLED to introduce you to this year’s TeleMiracle teddy bear!
Meet Howie!

Named in honour of Mr. Hockey himself, Gordie Howe! Howie’s fur is super soft and he gives great hugs. If you want a Howie of your very own, here’s what you need to do.
Step 1
Make a donation of $145 ($100 + TeleMiracle year) or more to TeleMiracle. This does not include money you raised at a fundraiser, however, any of your donors, who gave $145 or more, can get a bear. Fundraising tracking sheets are available from the office (see link below).
Step 2
Ask for the bear over the phone or check mark the box for the bear on the donation form. We only send out a bear to those who ask for one of our furry friends. So please make sure that box gets checked.
Step 3
Check your mailbox for your bear in June.
That’s it! Easy as that!
You even have multiple ways you can make your donation. Here are your options:
- Go to https://telemiracle.com/ and click on the “DONATE TODAY” button in the bottom-right corner of the screen and fill in the form (remember to check the box).
- Go to https://telemiracle.micharity.com/ choose any one of the fundraising campaigns in support of TeleMiracle, and donate online that way. Note: We’re still working on this new site. If the option for the bear doesn’t show up, fill in the form anyway and then contact Wendi at the office to let her know to add you to the bear list. Her contact information can be found here. https://telemiracle.com/contact-us/
- Donate to a local fundraiser for TeleMiracle in your community (cheques made out to TeleMiracle). The person fundraising should have a tracking sheet on which they can note you want a bear. If they don’t, they can contact the office and we can email them one.
- “RING THOSE PHONES” between 9 p.m. on February 27th, 2021 and 5 p.m. on February 28th, 2021. Remember to let the volunteer know you want a bear, so they can check the box. We had to cut down the number of phones at the telethon this year, because of COVID, so if you get a busy signal, please keep trying or donate online.
- Mail a cheque to the office, attention Wendi Cowles, with a note stating you’d like a bear. Be sure your mailing address and phone number are included. You don’t need to wait till TeleMiracle weekend to make your donation. As long as the office receives your cheque, made out to TeleMiracle, prior to the telethon, your donation will still be included in the total on the show. We still accept donations after the show as well.
- If you are not comfortable donating using the options above, you can call Wendi, during office hours, and make your donation with a credit card, over the phone. Her number is on the Contact Us page of our website (see link above). Remember to let her know it’s for a bear.
There you have it! Just choose whatever method works best for you. Reach out to the staff if you have any questions. They’re a pretty friendly and helpful bunch.
We thank you for donating to TeleMiracle 45! Every dollar is very much appreciated and we hope you love Howie as much as we do!