TeleMiracle 45 Merch. for Sale!

Usually we sell Telemiracle merchandise at the show, but since the telethon will not be open to the public this year, we’re going virtual! We are not yet able to process online sales so, below you will find a link to the document that contains sizing charts, photos of all the items, and instructions for placing an order. There is a link to the order form, below as well.

The image above only contains a sampling of what items are available, so make sure you check out everything that’s available!

For those who may be wondering, the dog stuffie is not a replacement for the bear. Every year we have a stuffie available for purchase. The animal is selected by the TeleMiracle Chairperson that year. You can see all the stuffies individually in the Virtual Museum section of our website. The first stuffie (the monkey) is from TeleMiracle 26 and then there’s been one every year since. If anyone has an extra of the TeleMiracle 39 dog, that they’d be willing to donate back to us, it looks like we gave all ours away. EDIT: Thank you to the gentleman who was  kind enough to give us his! Our collection is complete!

There will still be a bear this year (to be revealed at a later date) that’s available to those who donate $145.00 or more and request a bear. The bears usually get shipped out around June.

If you have any questions about merchandise, please contact our Administrative Assistant, Diane, at (306) 244-6400 ext. 4 in Saskatoon or 1-877-777-8979 ext. 4 (toll free).

Souvenirs pics and sizing charts

TM 45 Souvenir_Promo Order Form

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